Dozens of test tubes in a holder

IBBR Announces the renewal of cooperative agreement with NIST

Wed, Sep 26, 2012

The University of Maryland Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) is pleased to announce the renewal of the cooperative agreement with the National Institute for Standards and Technologies (NIST). This agreement will provide $2 million per year for three years to continue the interdisciplinary research in the life sciences at the UMD-IBBR Shady Grove campus. These funds will provide continuing advancement in research in the biosciences and biotechnology.

This year marks twenty-five years of the UMD and NIST partnership.  "This partnership, between scientists at NIST and UM, has resulted in a long- term, world class research program to investigate and harness the cell's most complex operations," says University of Maryland President Wallace Loh.  The continuing investment will produce new and improved medical treatments as well as new biotechnology applications.  We deeply appreciate the active support of Congressman Van Hollen and the Maryland congressional delegation that enables this engine of growth and knowledge." Dr. Don Nuss, the Director of IBBR conveyed full confidence that the renewal of this cooperative agreement will continue to enhance interactions between IBBR researchers and UM, UMB and NIST, quoting “These types of collaborations lead to cutting-edge innovation in the biosciences”.

As part of the partnership, NIST has also brought state-of-the-art resources to IBBR that are shared by UMD researchers. NIST has recently been pivotal in bringing a new ultra high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrument to IBBR. This powerful tool will be used by NIST and UMD researchers in studies on biotechnology applications, such as the development of therapeutics and disease diagnostics.

About the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR)

The Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) is a University System of Maryland joint research enterprise created to enhance collaboration among the University of Maryland College Park, The University of Maryland Baltimore and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The mission of IBBR is to leverage collective research strengths of the partnering institutions in medicine, biosciences, technology, quantitative sciences and engineering, to foster integrated, cross-disciplinary team approaches to scientific discovery and education, and to serve the expanding economic base of biosciences and technology in the state of Maryland and the Nation.