Upcoming Events

Monday, October 3 2095 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Wednesday, October 3 2096 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Thursday, October 3 2097 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Friday, October 3 2098 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Saturday, October 3 2099 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Sunday, October 3 2100 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Monday, October 3 2101 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Tuesday, October 3 2102 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Wednesday, October 3 2103 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Friday, October 3 2104 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
A-101 A-102 A-103 Auditorium
Seminar: “Streamlined Comparability Assessment of an Array of Therapeutic Antibodies”
Belinda Pastrana CEO and Founder Protein Dynamic Solutions, LLC